People who believe in the theory of determinism all ground their basis of belief that everything can be broken down into logical steps of cause and effect. Anything and everything can be explained via the science of methodical reasoning. Be it the mundane choices of life or the cosmic creation of the universe... everything can be explained.
But I think we should highlight something. The nature of logic is paradoxical. The more we dwell into the complex structures of deductions, the more illogical things become. I'm not implying an big words like 'chaos theory' or anything (this theory operates in a different context altogether). Life is just illogically logical. Life is still one big paradox if we try to comprehend everything.
Trying to make sense of our chaotic circumstances is like trying to look to the bottom of a murky lake. We can study and make deductions about how the suspended soil substrates swirl near the surface. But no matter how hard we look, we'll never know what lies beneath and here comes the paradox once again.
Emotions and logic are very alike too. They're both paradoxical and self-conflicting.
I didn't take this photo with this explanation in mind. But the paradox of the Tilapias has been stuck in my mind lately.
Tilapias are one of the most common food fish in Singapore. They can be found in almost every fresh water body. However, most of us do not know this. Tilapias never existed on this island a mere 70 years ago. In better English, this local fish isn't a local at all, it was introduced.
In fact, it was introduced in 1943 to be exact by the Japanese soldiers occupying this island.
Documentations show that this Javanese fish is well liked by the then rampaging Japanese Soldiers and thus was introduced into our tiny island.
Needless to say, many senior folks still address this fish as the Japanese fish and refuse to eat them as it symbolises the Japanese occupation. So now... we hate an Indonesian Fish? Its logical yet illogical at the same time.
Paradox. sometimes we do or say things that doesn't make sense. Deep down, we wish for things to turn out the other way, yet we coax ourselves into choosing the profoundly less stupid outcome.
It is time to come clean. I am not sure why we were placed in such situations. Painful circumstances that leave me licking my wounds months down the road. But no matter what happens, I know its by Lord's will. You make sense out of all the silly things I have done. I have and I will keep my promise to God and all complications will be tied up before the setting sun.
In the same way I've kept my promise to God, I will keep my promise of friendship to you. I will be there. Despite the weathering, erosion and other forms of change, I will be in situ.
here is a mid-way comment to 12/16/2005.
I am not regretting this.