
2004--- A reflection

I have always liked Reflection. Its gives me a bittersweet sensation, a satisfactual pleasure to know how wonderful things have progressed and bloomed, yet at the same time a painful sting of how some hopes and dreams have been dashed. This is my overall reflection for the year 2004, but firstly the new year resolution.

The new year resolution: (from my old xenoglossia.tk)
03.01.04:A New Resolution
I understand that I was supposed to blog many days ago with regards to the death of Anita Mui, but I was caught in the events that came along with the bloom of the new year. However, as the new year begins, I believe that a traditional New year Resolution is required.
Yesterday was my first day of school at the dreamy Junior College of ACJC, the lovely sweet-coated orientation of the entire orientation had somewhat made me realize the scary reality behind it all. "Welcome to ACJC, you'll be spending the best 3 years of your life here!" Yes, I will definitely be "enjoying" and extra year of detainment if I had no direction in life, hence the importance of this resolution.
So here goes ::
I resolve to --- score the Promotional exams with Average of 'A's
I resolve to --- being an all-rounder, by joining canoeing and counseling
I resolve to --- being a better Christian, participate in little ARTS politics
I resolve to --- start early for the A levels
I resolve to --- serve as much community hours as possible
I resolve to --- fitting in regardless of which stream I am posted to
I resolve to --- finding internal peace with God instead of scorning bitterly at trivial matters before me

2004 in ACJC may not be all butter and sweet creams, but should I properly organise my time, I am sure I will be able to improve my standard to that's as expected by the faculty, my parents and me. Happy Late New year everyone.

Well well well. From looks of things... I didnt really keep my resolution at all. But certainly, it did give me some direction in life, although I did had quite a misconception of the ARTS stream at that time...

2004 was a splendid year, but like I said before, in a bittersweet way. Honestly speaking, i never intended to wind up in ARTS. But as time went by, I grew more and more fond of it. Being in ACJC, however, is a pure dream come true. ACJC has always been the the epitome of goals in my secondary school days, and it is for that reason that I have placed all my fantasies and aspirations into it. Sometimes, I can still hardly believe that I am in ACJC (considering how badly I was faring all along in Barker).
my bunch of friends have been splendid as well. Very unlike my sister who had quie a rough time setting in intially to the school, God has really blessed me with a group of classmates and fac-mates I can connect with. Though retarded at times, they always provide me with the solace I need uner times of stress. The holidays I spent away from them really proved this point to myself.
Academically speaking, all was well and smooth except for the promos. 2004 has taught me that no matter how much preparation you have prepared, it is never enough until you have 'chionged' all the way before the paper.
CCA-wise, I never expected to be a real part of the 29th student council. As in I did get voted in, but my absence from June camp really really bridged me away from the rest. I used to lament in pain about how isolated I felt, as if I was an external body to the council. occasionally, I did channel this into hate, observe: 04.06.04: My Avarice
Missing the Council June camp is showing its ugly consequences. Already despising a large portion of the elects to begin with, my sad absence from the camp simply served to enlarge the gap between me and the rest. I felt completed isolated by the elects during the session today. Everyone was laughing about camp... and I sat in the corner. Damn it. I can feel the tension of certain elects already mounting up against me.
Yet despite these odds, God has helped me through it all. My subcomm, Sales was a wonderfully placed commitee. Everyone I felt safe with was somehow placed into it. Quietly wqorking behind the sales corner has helped me fit in slowly in the CCA. Orientation also gave me plenty of time to really know my council mates and gave me time and opportunity to clear up my misconceptions. In fact, just at the council meeting last night, I suddenly realised (damn'I'mslow) that our council truly is united to the core. There is noone outcasted and left behind. And like my sister quoted, we may be very dsyfunctional individually but we are ironnically much more united and interesting as a whole. 29th Student Council!! you guys rock. I mean it.

hmm...as with any fantasy, ACJC came with its tagged romantic dreams. Of course, not all dreams come true. I had my fair share of smiles and laughs, snuggles and warm-fizzly evenings, yet I also had my fair share of heartaches and burns. But as with everything else, I will just let them go to God, my loves and my spites alike. Hopefully 2005 will be a lot more smooth and less volatile.

And hence I conclude 2004, as a year which is bittersweet. But if there is one thing I have learnt this year, it is to truly give everything to God. The bitter, the sweet, the full box of chocolates. Happy New Year.


Final Tribute

I shall close my blog for 14 days and 14 night.



I feel like ____.
I have failed miserably as a parent. I totally ____ed up my duties and responsibilities. Ignorance and neglect have made me hurt the very one person I truly love with all my heart. Damn, I am such a fool!
Day before yesterday, while I was at council camp, Clarice tried to escape by jumping out. (maybe cause she wasn't happy with me) She hit the hard cover and dislocated her neck.
Should I describe it out for you? Head bone plate pushed out, jabbing through your flesh, tearing out a gushing wound in the one spot that you can't touch. Now you know how she feels. Although she survived, she can never lift her proud head high ever again (her dissolcated neck forces her head down).
I refused accept she's grown up. I refused to acknowledge that she needs freedomn. I refused to let her go. I make a ___ed parent



I miss you as a colour to see in the eye,
I long you as ranidrops to fall on my skin,
I need you as a petal to hold in my hand

Back from Sarawak

Yessh, I'm back from Sarawak. Athough its been a while, I really didn't feel like blogging.
Craps, I must have been holding up throughout the trip. Although a larger majority of the OCIP fell sick during the trip, I only did so the moment we left Tisa for R&R. Brilliant.
And like my Good Friend Arang told me, the moment I come back to the city, I would get caught up with the little things once again. Orientation.... argh.. Have so much to catch up for the 2 weeks of absence.
I actually feel so crap I want to take leave for today's Senior's night duties, but what the heck la.
But going back on track,my 2 weeks in the Iban longhouse has really made me notice how small I am to the world. The magnificent rivers, the majestic forests seriously humbled me to the small size that I am. Everything I have been striving to achieve, grades, reputation, council datelines, have all seemed to have fade away into thin air. Everything I have treasured and valued (other than God) have become so insignificant.
Would failing econs cause the rushing rivers to stop?
Would flunking Geography cause the magneous mountains to crumble?
Would not having orientation going smoothly cause flourishing forest to wither?
Would any of things I screw up cause the cheery children to cry and weep?

