


To my dearest classmates, I'm stupid and I know that. So please, you need not reinforce that point. But the least you could do is at least have some morality to come for classes. I know how at the end of the day, we would all have the same results ( or even better) as mine, but can you fuckers at least have (borrow if you might) some spine and backbone to take some shit in life?

in other news:
I have been told straight-in-the-face by 3 teachers and one indirectly that I am stupid. its so ironical how at the end of my year one journey, I end up exactly where I began: as an idiot.


Phony calls

Freaking Hell. Maybe it's a mood swing, maybe it's not, but I just suddenly feel pissed with everything.
Every face, every TV show, every display on the computer screen and (most importantly) every single frick'in phone call and message I get on my phone.
I had not 1, not 2, But (in cheena accent) 'I say NoooOOOoo', 6 bloody calls and sms from fellow friends asking me to switch moring duties with them. Sorry guys, I don't mean to say this in spite but:

WHAT is it with you guyS? I know that you probably did't know that 5 other people happen to have the same cosmic fate as you on this apolyptical morning but life isn't imperfect if you don't report exactly half an hour before reporting time. Or is it something of a deeper reason,Like what? you've got a religious obligation from eating breakfast at burger king?

I don't feel like apologising for whatever I said, so I won't. I feel pissed furthermore by the act of people who calling me to question me on questions that could be answered using common sense. Sheesh. I know I am stupid, but I am not THAT stupid.

In accordance to the recent turn of unfortunate events, I reluctantly* switch off my hand phone. I apologise* for any inconvenience caused Suuuuckers!

Antony and Cleopatra

Kevin as Sextus Pomey. I couldnt find any flower shops in Yishun, so I got a brocolli from NTUC instead.

Here's another side of the rain.

Rain, After so long.

Response to Tags

Hi everyone. too tired to tag every response on the tag board, so I'll just post them up here.

Angel-- Thanks for your good wishing, I wish all the best for your O levels results tommorrow =)

Piercingpain(aka hui hui) -- Thanks again and Yes, I know who you are (lah), Jills good O friend

Iloveyourphotos:) -- Thanks, I use Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 (alias the Bimbo cam) but most photos are taken on random

Daphne --- Grumble *grumble*

Kevin -- Your tag sounds very wrong, oh but your play was gooood, all the best for the last performance



It has always been tradition for me to blog about how much I screwed up the exams.
But for this time, I don't believe that I screwed up any paper. I deserve every single failure I get. plain and simply put, I just deserve it.
I wish the impossibles could occur, but God, give me what I worked for. God, give me nothing more than that what reflects me. Give me nothing.


I need

5 Random things I need urgently:

1) Instant Matrix upload for Geography and Econs (and Maths)
2) Non-hot Chilli Crabs
3) Martian (boy/girl)friend
4) Macaroni & Cheese (Kraft, for the Cheesiest [calcium for growing kids])
5) A life


Hi Folks,
In case you haven't heard, WB studios have been very busy lately 're-imagining' 6 of their all time successful Looney Toon stars for a new series "Loonatics". Its setting is in the year 2772 and these newly enhanced looneys (oh who so happened to be the descendents of the modern day toons) are out to protect the world from the forces of EViiL with their crime-fighting super powers they borrowed from X-men. View it here

The Cast

Duck (Daffy): Built-in Sonar (sonar is for dolphins and bats, and they missed out corrosive salivia?)

Slick (Coyote): Regeneration Abilities (Don't joke me. To combat the forces of falling anvils)

Roadster (Runner): Super Speed (Roadster? Roadster?)

Lexi (Lola): Super Hearing (OH, super Hearing from bunnies? Why didn't I THINK OF THAT?)

Spaz (Taz): Jaws of Steel (At least they got the name right.)

Buzz (Bugs): Laser Vision (This is plain random) and Martial Arts Expert (uh)

There's also an agency lady called 'Maxima' who looks more like Mirage from the Incredibles. hoo hoo maybe her assets are explosive hologram bussiness cards.


~All By Myself~

Daphne is making a documentary Video on 'Why Doesn't Pedro has a girlfriend'. I assure you, its going to be a very very long series.

We, who mugged V-day away

At Marc's party



this is another post I removed out of sheer disgust.
My posts completely disgust me. The phrasing, the look, the presentation, the smell, the feel. All and every aspect of my blogs churn my organs in mix.
I cannot stand myself and my being. Its weird, that this thought is not angst but in pure soberness. I reflect to find myself nothing but an empty composition from everything to form nothing.
Sheer disgust.

Carpe Diem. Seize the day, lose everything else.


Lost focus

This is not a fancy intepretation, but I cant focus my photos anymore.

Run boys Run

Pedro's formula : (* applies only within last 5 mins)

[(actual time left )/ 3 ] + 30sec (K)


Carpe Diem


An Analogy

After some slight thinking, I finally found an analogy to describe the situation that I am in. So let me ask you a theoritical question. (suppose you are a fisherman)

One hot day, with the sun glaring above, you are fishing by the side of a secluded lilly pond. All of a sudden, a arapaima (think a really really really expensice 5 metre arrowana) peers out lilly leaves. Now, catching this fish would mean having REAL good fortune. But here's the dilemma: you only have a scrawny rusting tackle. So therefoe, would you

A) throw in the tackle and try catching it, while risking to scare it away

B) Just sit back and watch this beauty before it slips back into the depths

I'll choose B), how about you?


Work -update

I have accomplished so much since yesterday. I touched up on Council's V-day 'Lovestruck' logo, I finished reading Empire Of the Sun (which is a literary disaster) and achieved to spin on my chair consistently without ground contact for 3 mins. so that leaves me with:

E1 essay
E1 notes
Literature file
Geography notes catching up
Geography S paper read up
Geography S paper presentation
Geography S paper essay
Econs exercise
Consolidate Orientation 2 materials



work- is something I am seriously out of touch with. I have done nothing nothing nothing productive in the last few days. Its not that there is a lack of deadlines, nor is there a lack of upcoming tests or pressures. I just feel lazy and stagnant, a feeling I have not felt since sec.3
About the only productive thing that I have done is prepare for valentine's day which was probably just a symptom of my boredom.
Let's just see what I have not done:

E1 essay
E1 notes
Literature file
Geography notes catching up
Geography S paper read up
Geography S paper presentation
Geography S paper essay
Econs exercise
Consolidate Orientation 2 materials

God in heaven. Despite all these, I'm still stagnant on my internet couch decomposing in this slightly hunched arc position fantasising about popcorn and apple chips. I have been flushing my time away pondering whether to use a fancy blogskin (got an apple Ipod one in my com all ready) or not. Ah craps, I'll just rot here for another hour or two.


Parking lots

school at night

Sarawak memories

Recieved some letters from Sarawak some time last week. It's really funny how you never miss a life until you actually live the one you are living now.


Anchor of Flowers

Farmer B was a pleasant man. He liked farming day and night. He liked laughing with his fellow farmers as they joked in the barns. Day after day, Farmer B farm and joke about the big bad wolves. All the farmers laughed. But the farmers do not know that Farmer B had a secret: He liked feeding a baby wolf that visited him everynight. But it was a secret, so Farmer B kept quiet about it.
One night, farmer B saw baby wolf with her friends. He was sad. He knew that he could never be baby wolf's friend. Quietly, he left the last slab on the door mat, and closed the door.