NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming
Frame concept.
Our mind operates in frames of visual content.

The Shiny Lights. The Blinding sight and the weird sense that we'll still be going to the same econs lecture tmr. We all know its not going to happen, but the night was still young and so is our dreams.

This is a frame captured. Out of focus, the sleepiness and the disorientation of decision (xept now I'm the one observing). The feel of sitting on benches again, late at night. All so familiar but now, there are no books and bottles of Ice Tea.... and no silly Mars Bars.
Sometimes a smile ruins it all. But its a frame of us fooling around and
pretending to be emo models. I want to fool around once more.
Let's watch Charlie & the chocolate factory at 2 am! Or perhaps run down the roofs of ACJC at night. How about taking a dip at the swimming complex (or
talking about it until we got screwed by ms.Cref) ? Or running headlong into
Manhattan FIsh market at 4 am before screaming our way out with a tripped
I want to be an idiot once more before my time oflegal excuses
runs out. I was a retard when I was younger but I should have took the
opportunity and acted like one. Now Its too late.
and of course... for the last FINAL time:
Frame concept.
Our mind operates in frames of visual content.

The Shiny Lights. The Blinding sight and the weird sense that we'll still be going to the same econs lecture tmr. We all know its not going to happen, but the night was still young and so is our dreams.

This is a frame captured. Out of focus, the sleepiness and the disorientation of decision (xept now I'm the one observing). The feel of sitting on benches again, late at night. All so familiar but now, there are no books and bottles of Ice Tea.... and no silly Mars Bars.

Sometimes a smile ruins it all. But its a frame of us fooling around and
pretending to be emo models. I want to fool around once more.
Let's watch Charlie & the chocolate factory at 2 am! Or perhaps run down the roofs of ACJC at night. How about taking a dip at the swimming complex (or
talking about it until we got screwed by ms.Cref) ? Or running headlong into
Manhattan FIsh market at 4 am before screaming our way out with a tripped
I want to be an idiot once more before my time of
runs out. I was a retard when I was younger but I should have took the
opportunity and acted like one. Now Its too late.
and of course... for the last FINAL time:

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