A Random story
It should be titled " Officers aren't around anyways"
A battalion was sent to a secluded island to secure the region.
Unfortunately, the island was inhabited by a large tribe of cannibals.
Knowing the threat, the Commanding Officer, CO (highest ranking person in the battalion)decided to have a chat with the local chief.
After a long ardeous session, the Chief promised the CO that his village will not touch any of his men.
One week went by, nothing unusal was noticed.
Two weeks... three weeks,
soon three months went by.
Suddenly, one morning during roll call, the CO noticed that one platoon sergeant was missing.
Infuriated, he confronted the Village Chief and had another long discussion.
After a few long hours, the Village chief gathered his hunters and in a angry tone asked them,
" Didn't I tell you specifically not to eat any specialists?"
You know what... it isnt really that funny. I don't know why I laughed then.