No Spoilers Here

I went to see 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' with her today. All I have to say is this:
You will not be disappointed.
Geeks & noobs, fanboys & non-fans alike, this movie will rock your socks.
Very often, when a commercially sucessful movie decides to have a sequel, it will recieve an unfair and strongly biased (for and against) treatment based on what the audience expect from its predecessor.
More often than not, the movie will become crushed under the immense weight of expectations. Last year, The Dark Knight well exceeded the impossibly high benchmark that was set for it. Transformers is this year's dark knight. [ironic since everyone says that Transformers will be good. but the bigger they are, the harder they fall (Thor, somedamnlongtimeago) and it has much to fall]
If you are hoping to find a critical analysis and review of the film, you won't find it here. Why? Because10 minutes into the film, I decided to switch off the logical lobes of my brain and just enjoy the palate of visual orgy presented to me. With the overflow of sensations running through each frame,I decided to stop taking mental photographs and just watch the damn robots.
This definitely means something because not every film is capable of making its audience forget they are watching a film, much less something that doesn't make sense.
What I personally liked about this film is Michael's Bay decisiveness to embrace his work as a dick flick. If you want an intellectual reflection of life, a psychological and spiritual analogy of peace and wisdom, you won't find it here. This is a dick flick, ie a cohesive composition of explosions, pretty faces, giant robots fighting, more explosions, cleavage... all without the help of logic.
So once again, if you want an emo-intellectual flick, go the arthouse but if you do want to watch Transformers, do come prepared. Leave your brains in your car.
But before I end this subjective first impression, I am really glad that the film explored two characters; Jetfire and Starscream. Both of them embodies different justifications and reactions toward conflict and violence. Without giving away spoilers, I have found new respect for Starscream and I feel that he is much more nobler than what meets the eye.
Movie aside. It was a good evening. I enjoyed it very much too =)