
Requiem For the King

I remember crying when I first found out that my favourite King of Monsters died in this grand finale to the Heisei arc.

Just to let you know the context of this film. Godzilla is glowing red because he suffered internal injuries while protecting his child, Gozilla Jr, in his previous film in a fight with Spacegodzilla. As such, he is having an internal nuclear meltdown.

Meanwhile, this monster called Destroyah appears. It is apparently a mutation from the side effects of the oxygen detroyer weapon that killed THE very first and original Godzilla back in 1954. As such, it is the very first monster in the franchise born out the Godzilla's weakness.

Immediately, it clobbers and kills Godzilla Jr. Enraged, his father engages in an all-out fight with Destroyah, to the extent in which he finally succumbs to his injuries. dodgy dubs but beautiful movie and music T___T

emo muchs