From A nice friend :)
First best friend: Darryl, my classmate in SIS
First car: A ToyBigfoot.
First date: A cute girl I met on a trip to Japan back in P6
First real kiss: 20
First break-up: 21
First screen name: The_free_frag
First self purchased album: ...Pokemon Soundtrack....
First funeral: Sec2. Grandma
First pets: It was a wild lizard a guard caught for me in HK
First piercing/tattoo: Don’t have.
First credit card: 20
First true love: -
First enemy:-
First musician you remember hearing: I cannot recall
Last cigarette: Last week.
Last car ride: mom's taxi
Last good cry: 2 months ago
Last library book checked out: South Park and Philosophy (Robert Arp)
Last beverage drank: Coke, coke coke
Last food consumed: Home cooked dinner
Last phone call: With mom
Last time showered: 2 mins ago
Last shoes worn: converse, as usual
Last CD played: Studio Ghibli's compilation
Last item bought: Coke coke coke
Last annoyance: Slow inconsiderate people at MRT
Last disappointment: I tried to Bankai, but I realised that I am no shinigami... :(
Last time scolded: Some time ago.... over the phone
Last shirt worn: Taiwan Army shirt
Last website visited: Candy's blog
Last word you said: some cantonese word to my parents
Last song you sang: Humming to a song by Joe Hisaishi
What is in your CD player?: Spiders
What colour socks are you wearing?: None
What colour underwear are you wearing?: I cant see it from where I'm sitting.
What’s under your bed?: Dead bodies
What time did you wake up today?: 845
Where do you want to go?: Forward. Heaven.
What is your career going to be?: I wish I knew too.
Where are you going to live?: Anywhere I am called to go.
How many kids do you want?: Kids? I dont intend to raise goats
Their names?: - billy? Gruff?
Current mood: Lost and tired
Current music: Nothing!!
Current taste: Coke coke coke
Current hair: subdued pedro hair
Current clothes: 9div shirt, comfy white shorts
Current annoyance(s): Blogger
Current longing: Finish Biz Law
Current desktop picture: Carebears snuggling up
Current favorite artist: -none
Current book(s): Singapore Biz Law
Current color of toenails: -
Current time-wasting wish: - go overseas- or back to the zoo- or some animal photoshoot
Current hate aversion: - zen
First best friend: Darryl, my classmate in SIS
First car: A ToyBigfoot.
First date: A cute girl I met on a trip to Japan back in P6
First real kiss: 20
First break-up: 21
First screen name: The_free_frag
First self purchased album: ...Pokemon Soundtrack....
First funeral: Sec2. Grandma
First pets: It was a wild lizard a guard caught for me in HK
First piercing/tattoo: Don’t have.
First credit card: 20
First true love: -
First enemy:-
First musician you remember hearing: I cannot recall
Last cigarette: Last week.
Last car ride: mom's taxi
Last good cry: 2 months ago
Last library book checked out: South Park and Philosophy (Robert Arp)
Last beverage drank: Coke, coke coke
Last food consumed: Home cooked dinner
Last phone call: With mom
Last time showered: 2 mins ago
Last shoes worn: converse, as usual
Last CD played: Studio Ghibli's compilation
Last item bought: Coke coke coke
Last annoyance: Slow inconsiderate people at MRT
Last disappointment: I tried to Bankai, but I realised that I am no shinigami... :(
Last time scolded: Some time ago.... over the phone
Last shirt worn: Taiwan Army shirt
Last website visited: Candy's blog
Last word you said: some cantonese word to my parents
Last song you sang: Humming to a song by Joe Hisaishi
What is in your CD player?: Spiders
What colour socks are you wearing?: None
What colour underwear are you wearing?: I cant see it from where I'm sitting.
What’s under your bed?: Dead bodies
What time did you wake up today?: 845
Where do you want to go?: Forward. Heaven.
What is your career going to be?: I wish I knew too.
Where are you going to live?: Anywhere I am called to go.
How many kids do you want?: Kids? I dont intend to raise goats
Their names?: - billy? Gruff?
Current mood: Lost and tired
Current music: Nothing!!
Current taste: Coke coke coke
Current hair: subdued pedro hair
Current clothes: 9div shirt, comfy white shorts
Current annoyance(s): Blogger
Current longing: Finish Biz Law
Current desktop picture: Carebears snuggling up
Current favorite artist: -none
Current book(s): Singapore Biz Law
Current color of toenails: -
Current time-wasting wish: - go overseas- or back to the zoo- or some animal photoshoot
Current hate aversion: - zen
Emo Season
Why the hell is everything/ everyone so emo now?
Even Bleach's ending song is emo:
A single flower petal brushes against my skin
I don't want to believe
our romance was a mistake
We've got a bad, bad habit of saying "everything's fine" and bottling it up,"
-Hitohira Hanabira, Stereo Pony
I have learnt that Audrey is now watching Deathnote Anime. Which I strongly endorse unlike my wankee-roomate.
Wow. Sadly, unlike brainless brawny anime like Naruto and Bleach, DN is very spoiler prone. 101 spoilers you could easily reveal to torment little fans.
Even Bleach's ending song is emo:
A single flower petal brushes against my skin
I don't want to believe
our romance was a mistake
We've got a bad, bad habit of saying "everything's fine" and bottling it up,"
-Hitohira Hanabira, Stereo Pony
I have learnt that Audrey is now watching Deathnote Anime. Which I strongly endorse unlike my wankee-roomate.
Wow. Sadly, unlike brainless brawny anime like Naruto and Bleach, DN is very spoiler prone. 101 spoilers you could easily reveal to torment little fans.
Now is the Pang-Sai Period

Just in case, you are down and boggled:
let it go,
let it roll right off your shoulder
don't you know
the hardest part is over
let it in,
let your clarity define you
in the end
we will only just remember how it feels
- Rob Thomas 'Little Wonders' (2007)
To my fellow friends who are going through the 'shit' period now...
Absolute Terrifying
"Wall Street followed other exchanges downwards as mounting evidence signalled that major economies are heading for recession.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped 312.30 points (3.59 percent) to close at 8,378.95, capping a week when the US blue-chip index dropped more than five percent.
Iceland's government said it had asked for two billion dollars (1.58 billion euros) from the International Monetary Fund, the first Western country to do so since 1976, after the collapse of its banking sector.
The IMF said it had tentatively agreed to the loan and announced it had set aside more cash to rescue stricken nations. "
I'm not sure if I am the only one within my social group that is stricken with fear.
Ever since the first news of sub-prime reached my ears September last year, I feared that this day would come.
In case you didn't get the subtle message, Iceland has basically declared bankruptcy and I find this absolutely terrifying.
Enormous giant corporations crumbling to their knees. Now an entire nation declares bankruptcy as well. It feels like watching a set of dominoes falling over in slow motion. And it all began with a little flick under the influence of greed. Greed in the form of easy credit.
I know that many of my friends may attribute this to bad risk management and bad mortgage planning by Banks. But I beg to differ. The issue of sub-prime is not a problem, or not even the cause of the problem. This is a symptom of a much darker issue.
And the maelstrom that we are in, is nothing but a factual consequence of this.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped 312.30 points (3.59 percent) to close at 8,378.95, capping a week when the US blue-chip index dropped more than five percent.
Iceland's government said it had asked for two billion dollars (1.58 billion euros) from the International Monetary Fund, the first Western country to do so since 1976, after the collapse of its banking sector.
The IMF said it had tentatively agreed to the loan and announced it had set aside more cash to rescue stricken nations. "
I'm not sure if I am the only one within my social group that is stricken with fear.
Ever since the first news of sub-prime reached my ears September last year, I feared that this day would come.
In case you didn't get the subtle message, Iceland has basically declared bankruptcy and I find this absolutely terrifying.
Enormous giant corporations crumbling to their knees. Now an entire nation declares bankruptcy as well. It feels like watching a set of dominoes falling over in slow motion. And it all began with a little flick under the influence of greed. Greed in the form of easy credit.
I know that many of my friends may attribute this to bad risk management and bad mortgage planning by Banks. But I beg to differ. The issue of sub-prime is not a problem, or not even the cause of the problem. This is a symptom of a much darker issue.
And the maelstrom that we are in, is nothing but a factual consequence of this.
" If I went to Australia as originally planned, I wouldn't be so stressed by all the pressure from the muggers around me,"
" Aww... where's the fun if there is no competition?"
"Is it fun when a lvl.70 Dragonite uses Hyper Beam on a lvl.2 Pidgey? YES IT IS!"
"ok..... this is going on my blog"
" If I went to Australia as originally planned, I wouldn't be so stressed by all the pressure from the muggers around me,"
" Aww... where's the fun if there is no competition?"
"Is it fun when a lvl.70 Dragonite uses Hyper Beam on a lvl.2 Pidgey? YES IT IS!"
"ok..... this is going on my blog"
I'm sorry America

US wants a Bail-out plan? $700 Billion isn't going to help.
How about:
"stop rolling cards, sitting your asses down and working like the rest of the world?"
Sir Branson is right when he said that this was a period of "anormaly. We are now in the process of returning to nomality."
At this moment, I'm thankful that Singapore's imperial empire has adequately taken preventive measures. I'm thankful that out of the global plummet, we are taken a relatively gentle plunge. I'm thankful that I am not preoccupied with finding a place where my money is safe. I'm thankful that I will survive through this, although I may be bruised and dented. But I am fearful.
I'm fearful of the storm that is coming... there will be maelstrom of rumbling rampage.
"The world is caught up in a financial storm, and dark clouds fill our immediate horizon.
Asian countries cannot avoid the impact of weakening U.S., European and Japanese economies.
We must prepare for a rough ride at least over the next year, and quite possibly longer."
-PM Lee
Keep Walking
I'm really happy to see many of my friends moving on into another chapter of their lives.
No one said that life would be easy, no one said that life would smooth.
But the beauty of life is everything is in motion. It just keeps going whether we like it or not.
Yeah, the pain lingers on for a while. Memory of being hurt cannot be erased, but for every painful memory kept, many more lovely memories could be made.
I am struggling very much recently. Academic, non-academic and social commitments have been stressing my shoulders. I want to be everywhere, but I can't . I don't even have time for myself. But of course, just keep walking
By end of this Semester, I will be become the no.1 public enemy in my school.
The ratio of guys to girls in my school is 1:5
Yesterday, the lecturer asked if it is really possible for a man and woman to be nothing more than friends.
She went around asking for random answers and opinions. Out of impulse I replied very loudy,
"Yes of course, if she is really that ugly"
you can imagine the response.
The ratio of guys to girls in my school is 1:5
Yesterday, the lecturer asked if it is really possible for a man and woman to be nothing more than friends.
She went around asking for random answers and opinions. Out of impulse I replied very loudy,
"Yes of course, if she is really that ugly"
you can imagine the response.