I'm sorry America

US wants a Bail-out plan? $700 Billion isn't going to help.
How about:
"stop rolling cards, sitting your asses down and working like the rest of the world?"
Sir Branson is right when he said that this was a period of "anormaly. We are now in the process of returning to nomality."
At this moment, I'm thankful that Singapore's imperial empire has adequately taken preventive measures. I'm thankful that out of the global plummet, we are taken a relatively gentle plunge. I'm thankful that I am not preoccupied with finding a place where my money is safe. I'm thankful that I will survive through this, although I may be bruised and dented. But I am fearful.
I'm fearful of the storm that is coming... there will be maelstrom of rumbling rampage.
"The world is caught up in a financial storm, and dark clouds fill our immediate horizon.
Asian countries cannot avoid the impact of weakening U.S., European and Japanese economies.
We must prepare for a rough ride at least over the next year, and quite possibly longer."
-PM Lee
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