
Interview From Jithra

What is your favorite song of all time?
-never had one

depends on time and situation

Ass or Tits?

Gold or Silver?

If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
Human is an animal too.

Anal or oral?
don't tell you.

What was your favorite high school subject?
Geography. "Tell me more/ tell me more"!

If you met an omniscient being who could answer any question, what would be your question?
"anal or oral?"

If you could choose your ethnicity what would you choose?
I am happy the way I am.

Mozart or Salieri?

What is your favorite Shakespearean play

Describe your evil twin.
She lives next door. Her name is Pat.

How do you tell if you are in love or just in lust?
Picture her with Clement's face and see if I am still excited.

What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Melted one.

What do you want?
Oral or anal? Don't tell you.

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie??

Last film seen
Snakes on a Plane...damn.

What is your ideal pizza?
Meat lovers

Look to your left: What do you see?
My evil twin sister.

Scotland or Italy
Scotland. and kilts

Where in the world do you feel the safest?
By the sea.

Relationships or hook ups?

cheereleading or gymnastics
gym with protein. myoplex!!!

Sex before marriage or after marriage??
depends on how drunk I get.

Musical instrument I play?

Favorite hard liqour?
Bailey's Irish Cream

Are you self obsessed?

What I dislike most about the general public is...
Singaporean's lack of manners and ettiquette

Is there any circumstance where cheating is okay?

Looks or Personality?
Both * hey guys, at least I dare to admit it*

What is your biggest turn on?
The switch

What motivates you?

what is love?
Don't ask me. ask that damn omnicscient being.

Are you a good friend or not ?

how many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
It depends on the economic situation. the wage given, opportunity costs, the type and size of the lightbulb as well as the manhours required meet the ISO4000 standard of a 'screwed-in' lightbulb

Biggest turnoff in the oppisite sex?
Immoral character

do you currently like anyone?
Like? yeah. plenty.

What is the meaning of life?
Choosing between oral and anal.

Do you like thunderstorms?
love them.

Orlando bloom or Johnny depp?

what do you think they eat in heaven?
probably sushi.

Do you like/drink coffee?
I like. But i can't drink

Do you like to bake/cook?
yes ;)

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you have any piercings/tatoos?

What are your "comfy clothes"?
Nice comfy AC/army singlets with berms.

Do you believe in heaven and hell?
to be honest. I have no idea.

What colour are your eyes?
Brown. dark .

What sort of character would you play in a comic book (hero, humorous sidekick, villian, that abrasive newspaper guy, etc.)
The butler.

Coke or Pepsi?

If you were one word, what word would you be?

What is the name of your truest friend???
they know who they are.

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?

Whats the First Thing You Notice In A Boy/Girl?

What language would you like to speak fluently?
French, CHINESE, Spanish

Whats your favorite sport?
Open Diving

Are you in love?
no. sadly.

How many kids (or any at all) would you want to have?
Depends on how many mistakes I make.

Chocolate or other candy?

Sour or sweet candy?

Favorite hot drink?
Peppermint Tea

Performing Arts, Fine Arts, or Sports?

beach or mountain?

left handed or right handed?
right handed.

Why are you taking this interview?
bloody bored and out of things to blog.

who do you count on when feeling down?

do you plan in advance?
I plan. Doing is another matter altogether

What attracts you most?
Good Fish tank. Driving License.

Do you hold hands when you walk in public?

Close your eyes for a moment, who pops into your head?
oohhhh,the incriminating answer.

Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
never came to that stage.

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
In church. :)

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
A Producer ;)

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I dunno....

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
George Bush.... or maybe Osama. Really.

What is your favourite word?

What makes you cry?
don't Tell you.

What makes you laugh?
almost anything.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?

If you could time travel to the past to correct any mistakes you feel youve made would you?
oooh... all so many.

Who was your hero as a child?
Michael Jackson. Captain Planet.

If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?
say what I need to those who matters.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What are you most proud of in your life?
Being balanced.

Get the number or give the number?
I give queue numbers.

Romance or Kinky Sex?
Romance is needed for genuine kinkiness.

How do you feel?

What size shoe do you wear?

Would you rather be hot or cold?

If you had to pick one car, which would it be?
lambo.bright red.

Your favorite Disney Films?
Lion King

Why did the chicken cross the road?
according to Newton,a chicken at rest will stay at rest and a chicken in motion will cross the road.

Do you support Paris?
the person or place?

Where is Waldo?
gagged. in my trunk.

Favorite element?
Nitrogen. Cos I am so N2-eastics.

What was your last thought?
where's waldo?

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
milk and cookies

Favorite fruit?

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Define yourself in 3 words...
repeat the question?

Do you eat cold cereal at night?

What is your favorite TV show?
don't really have one

Do you shower every single day?

Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore?
if he is perfoming/ trying. yes. If he is wasting oxygen, no. (bastard aren't i?)

Boat or bus?
Bus. its singapore.

What is your favorate Pj Fabric

Where do you want to travel next?
12 apostles. Australia

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out?
Say yes.

What is your favorite food?
Fresh Sashimi

Do you read harry potter books?
On bookspoilers.com , then I shout out the endings with page references.

What is your favorite place?
home :)

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
nah. won't need any.

now copy and paste this 100000000000000000 people and you'll get good luck for the rest of life, your love will kiss you this coming Friday and you will find true happiness. If you don't... this dummy puppet will come out at midnight and he will Keeeeellll you!


ladies and germans,
we're watching Alien Versus Predator 2 on the 1st Jan, opening day as Daph is going off to London soon. anyone interested pls sms me asap by TMR




I know I try my best to abstain from discussing specific world affairs. But I simply cannot ignore this.
Bhutto has been assassinated and now the government led by Musharraff along with the CIA claims that the Taliban, Al Qaida is responsible.
If I should go into the specific details... this would take me all night. But I am tired. and Thank Goodness, I'm no longer a civil servant... so I can say this out.

Seriously... Taliban--> Bhutto Assasination?? Are you guys out of your flippin mind? I mean... unless you're expecting the whole world to see Taliban as the stereotypical bad guy on Saturday morning cartoons, this whole assertion doesnt even hold water. why? I'll put up a simplified (minus quotations) explanation.

Pakistan Elections in less than 2 weeks.
Current government led by Musharraf is fighting hard to win. considering all the screw-ups and unhappiness among the people.
New competitor comes in called former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto . Many supporters. Very likely to be newly elected leader.

okay. Taliban... has abt 5% of the seats. so.... they're not very likely to win the elections.

So seriously. why waste your men to blow up something that gives you no benefit? I'm sure if they wanted to attack, it would be something that symbolises the US intervention ( or as the US calls it... 'democracy'). AND.... not to mention, Taliban have their morals, their conducts to. As Bailtullah Mehsud from Al Qaida puts it "We don't strike women".

On the other hand... the evidence we got is that ... apparently a congratulatory message was 'intercepted' after the assasination. Bollocks. Has it been broadcasted? verified? No to both. So... I won't exactly call this whole thing concrete.

The Taliban themselves deny it.... the "terrorists" aint taking responsibility. They are basically passing off this prime opportunity to platform their show of strength. and considering how CIA search for weapons of mass destruction had to be distracted by an invasion in the name of democracy.... I seriously doubt their doubt their credibility.

But naaah, I'm way too tired to go into any conspiracy theories of who is responsible. After all, democracy is the best. Look around and you'll see.


can't take it. I need to run.



From SouthPark Episode 1008, 'Make Love, Not Warcraft'
this especially goes out to clement and keith,

New Cover

here it comes...


To Dee

Welcome back :)


I (re)dedicate this song again to Daph. :/ & when you are more cheerful, go listen to Lolipop.

Back From SYD

careful crossing.
Yup, I'm back once again, with photos. I miss serious-photo taking . Didnt get to do much in NS, but now I'm free to do it once more :)


I really appreciate our MRT now

I like

might be staying here in the future trips. I like this neighbourhood.

Fish market!

Sydney Aquarium

Fishes calm you down.
This is one place I have not gotten tired of. I will come back here again-

Sydney Aquarium

and again.


"The best shots I've taken are all those that I took by mistake"


My dad complains about how all I take is animal photos.... so there. One pic of a human. Aha.
during the Golden Compass Premiere. I'll take a proper photo of you next time ;) by hook or by crook.


Let him sleep :)

or he'll claw your damn eyes out.


"did you know that grasshoppers and locusts are exactly the same species?"
no seriously, they are.

Frilled Lizard

look at me




;) iguana-love


Can't see Me



dude... its a lama...



"Love's gonna get you down"
A little break while I organise the photos I've taken this trip ;)

I like Mika.

One Week

This will be a recap post meant only for carthartic purposes. One week has passed. One hell long of a week, well it wasn't really hell. It was like a slow dance, and now, the waltz has ended. I will begin at where I left off.
Now its official. As of the 12th Dec. I have officially ORDed and I am no longer serving the Singapore Armed Forces. No more strict timings and no more uniforms. The morning itself was surreal. Though I have settled the paperwork more than one month ago, I had to return my security pass on my final day. It was then, that I realised that it was going to be my very last ferry trip into my camp.

I also remember what one of my first and best sgts told me how on his last day; he wouldn't rush out jumping like a little free boy (like most others). He would stand at the back of the ferry, overseeing the whole island, and reflect on everything that he has done. So I did that. I balanced myself at the tail and thought of everything that happened these two years. From the first day they took my IC and today. It all ends where it all began for me. so .... it ends... (& all these happened as my ipod played Mika's Happy Ending.)

But that was just the beginning for my post-NS journey. A few hours laters the same day, I took a flight down to Sydney.

It has been 6 years since I last went down to Sydney and 4 years since I last saw Bev. Till this day, I still cannot believe the circumstances in which we met on Mt.Fuji. Fine, you were my first crush, but more than that, we've remained in contact for almost 8 bloody long years despite living in totally different continents and worlds. Needless to say, our time together was ... much treasured.


Bev, this is for you. The pictures of Nicole Kidman we took near David Jones.There's till loads of it left. But join us losers on facebook and I'll send them to you ;) Among the many things we did, we stumbled across the premiere of Golden Compass. So voila, lucky I had my darling pery-lense with me. sigh, I want to watch it but jude strongly objects. So I won't.
Too many things happened. I can't summarise it all, but I'm glad I've managed to see you again. Thanks for being my listening ear too.
One week is two short of a time for me to replace what went by for 8 years. There will always be somethings that I won't know about you... and the reverse's the same for you. So I won't thank you 'for being there' cause you weren't, but I want to thank you for being here. Thanks Bev.
Well... one week spent in a different world does laden one's mind with thoughts... so now I'm back... with another of my chapters in life closed.


Revielle (back home)

Our last moments together and you must do this to me.
and you scribbled on the wrong arm too :)

As you phrased it. The last week I spent in Sydney was surreal. But the dreams has to come to an end. so here it is. here I am. take care. good bye:)



Sometimes I really don't know why I have kept in contact with you,
but I'm glad I have an overseas friend like you.

thanks for tonight. on the rocks.


Happy Ending :)

debbeh's back

On the Roof



My clerk & I
;( farewell

Clarifying The Rumours

Yes, we really did our entire 24km route march in the f*#!ing rain. whole of it. Almost everyone has abrasions by our 6km mark. -_-


Chill ~ with dree~

10 years old

at the esplanade