

I know I try my best to abstain from discussing specific world affairs. But I simply cannot ignore this.
Bhutto has been assassinated and now the government led by Musharraff along with the CIA claims that the Taliban, Al Qaida is responsible.
If I should go into the specific details... this would take me all night. But I am tired. and Thank Goodness, I'm no longer a civil servant... so I can say this out.

Seriously... Taliban--> Bhutto Assasination?? Are you guys out of your flippin mind? I mean... unless you're expecting the whole world to see Taliban as the stereotypical bad guy on Saturday morning cartoons, this whole assertion doesnt even hold water. why? I'll put up a simplified (minus quotations) explanation.

Pakistan Elections in less than 2 weeks.
Current government led by Musharraf is fighting hard to win. considering all the screw-ups and unhappiness among the people.
New competitor comes in called former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto . Many supporters. Very likely to be newly elected leader.

okay. Taliban... has abt 5% of the seats. so.... they're not very likely to win the elections.

So seriously. why waste your men to blow up something that gives you no benefit? I'm sure if they wanted to attack, it would be something that symbolises the US intervention ( or as the US calls it... 'democracy'). AND.... not to mention, Taliban have their morals, their conducts to. As Bailtullah Mehsud from Al Qaida puts it "We don't strike women".

On the other hand... the evidence we got is that ... apparently a congratulatory message was 'intercepted' after the assasination. Bollocks. Has it been broadcasted? verified? No to both. So... I won't exactly call this whole thing concrete.

The Taliban themselves deny it.... the "terrorists" aint taking responsibility. They are basically passing off this prime opportunity to platform their show of strength. and considering how CIA search for weapons of mass destruction had to be distracted by an invasion in the name of democracy.... I seriously doubt their doubt their credibility.

But naaah, I'm way too tired to go into any conspiracy theories of who is responsible. After all, democracy is the best. Look around and you'll see.