
What a Drag.

Heterosexuality is over-rated.
Homosexuality is unnatural.
Bisexuality is plain indecisiveness.

Sometime I really wish that I am asexual.


I wish Upon My Star

ppkid jiuhdn, "ite hhgeb asdme huure guipt homw, adwqan pole suirt biil"

clas bert uienomier bloere hius limhup hsoeep zasrs frer reayus asdae jteclo as I duep gloops bye ftiun frunti "hurre guipt homv" ... hi yu gu "huure quipt homv?" U quipt adf husw-sww wibh... adlle nomil justdee bart yuen nfyoferd boist viungised uomlin os pif ts smyerays?
asd dhn yup bhyein dee beres dids wwomn yhoer ?
I want ayup hurre quipt vulren foren weipu plirae unhts greo quilpt homv. to asdnm bert huren adwqan de beriun dream jughj. huha freoun juep hfpio psae pisu bowun liolr elbomn and htrhebd yetyp huure quilpt homv huure huure huuure adcni peyhf jifgho hmafo drive aeol jiek liek woose adlle... down yhasbn yjer jigfu the theas theasei woolongs uyip kien partyol the coast wihhasn yheunt ertyhp with asdau polikiey naye yasdn you blaui un de farn jarc cleasuaeh huis zaes by asnndoa my ashihy tonickata shubid side nhedoj llas .... huure guipt homv, huur quilpt homv




The Greatest thing about Sarcasm is that you can say the hardest messages in the most honest way.


I doubt you are reading this any time soon as you are most probably drunk somewhere. But
Happy Birthday Sis .

I had enough of carols. They are so demoralising, especially when they are in some other apartment. Grinchmas strikes again. At least there is the bintan trip tmr. Something to look forward to- till this nightmare is over.

How christmas was stolen

Today's the day we are supposed to celebrate, jump around in bed, race to the synthetic coniferous tree and praise the lord. I think thats what supposed to happen anyways. I don't mean to be a grinch, but I don't feel the magic anymore. Christmas is dead in my life.
Now what should happen in the previous years is that I would ritualistically buy and write christmas cards for acquaintances and make cards for close friends. But this, year, I just cannot be bothered anymore as I know that christmas is dead.
Honestly, I did buy some cards. But I just ended up staring blankly at them. I simply can't write it out.
"Merry christmas ____,
How have you been? I missed you. BullshitBullshitBullshitBullshit
BullshitBullshitBullshitBullshit It has been so long! BullshitBullshit
May God bless you and have a Happy New Year, ____
Bullshit yours
Pedro (hope you remember me)
I'm sorry friends. I feel guilty as I recieve your cards through the mail. I didn't send any cards this year and I don't intend to send any. I don't feel the need to, I don't feel the magic. If I were to write out cards, it would be nothing more than a mere act of pretence.

The truth is, I am tired. I'm not sure if its christmas that is adding to my own pressure. I feel exhausted of being there. and I tired of asking questions that both you and I know what the right answer should be. "what the hell are you doing?" I am tired of asking you that. Whats the point of this if you are going to screw up your life anyways? Its as if my advice is a protocol to give yourself that you have considered the outcome when you never had (or ever will)
I am also tired of being questioned myself. Top two question of the season.
1) (now that school is over, you can be honest with me)- Are you attached?
2) (now that school is over, you can be honest with me)- Are you gay?
Firstly, in case you didnt get the blatant meaning of my previous post. I am not intending to get attached, for a long time. I need the time to straighten the mess inside. Hence, I am not attached and I will not be.
Secondly, I am not a homophobe or 'in denial'. I am hetero because I am. There's really no further explanation required.
Now, I really don't mind people asking me either of the questions( even when you guys ask both at the same time). But what pisses me into exasperation is when you people ask me the same damn question more than once. Its likes you are treating me like a freakin insecure little boy who is scared/ shy about my private life from my public life. Its also as if my sincere answer is a joke. now... how should I put this in a most diplomatic manner? ah yes:
"USE you god-damn ears and brains to process (or attempt) my answer"

Great. what a marvelous way to start christmas.


My Cosy Corner

I feel accomplished. I haven't cooked so much since 2 years ago. Nevertheless, I really entertained myself the day before yesterday and tonight, cooking the evenings away.
Thursday for winter solstice dinner and tonight for Christmas eve dinner. Cooking is therapeutic I tell you.
Thankfully, my mom's HK friends came over and helped me with the Drunken chicken and the double steamed fish. I feel very stoned at the moment. This is my happy post as my family is playing some drinking game.
there there Posted by Picasa
Pedro's speciality: Lamb chops! woo Posted by Picasa
Golden pan-fried Cod fish Posted by Picasa
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Double steamed ... fat-fish Posted by Picasa
Cabbages with baby egg-plants Posted by Picasa
Vegetarian Curry Posted by Picasa
Drunken Chicken Posted by Picasa



alright, alright. Photos taken of recent times have been posted up but they are really low in resolution. Please apply gentle pressure on the left button of your mouse over the word depicting your destination to reach it.

Joie De Vivre (Rock concert)
ACJC Prom (senior's night at Ritz)
Hong Kong Photography

Enjoy :)


You are right

You are right. Blogs cannot tell everything. Roastingfish and fairypark cannot tell all. Its a pity how I completely stopped talking/ communicating to you the moment you leave the island. Blogs cannot show everything but it shows what an incompetent friend I am.

You are right. Sarcasm transmit poorly over the net. Sincerity is also not excluded. Both of these are easilly mixed up and both have lost their effectiveness. Sometimes, the best way to communicate is by plain old talking in the face. I miss that.

You are right. You are right about me being right. You are black and white, while she is a rainbow, but that is about it. Why do you guys talk to me and consult me?! Do I look liked a certified shrink? Why do you guys make me think as if I am?! I give shit advice and you put absolute trust in me all because I give an interesting analogy about you guys. Why? I cannot even sort out myself and you think I am a counsellor?

You are right. I do not know you well, I am not helping with your problems. I am giving you even more shit-load. Perhaps I should shut up and wait till everything is over. Or should I just shut up? This is not your fault. I am just too disillusioned thinking that I am a miracle dispenser, juggling every aspect of my own life along with others'.

You are right. Its just going to be us, the very few of us. Take away the crowd who swaggers in and swaggers out. Its just going to us, the sun and the beach. I am not insulting your friends, just making the observation of how friendship reception only seems to work within the island's range. Just like me and 'you'.

You are right. A C box is so much better than a Shoutbox. It is suprising how I never changed it all this while. Maybe it is because i cannot be bothered, a blog's a frickin blog. Whoopee doo. But Thanks. (sincerity transmit poorly but I hope you get it)

You are right. It has been 'heaps long'. Your friendliness causes disgust in me, not because of your pretence but because of my own. You are able to talk to me after I ignore you for 2 long years. I am touched and we should meet up soon, before I go in.

You are right. You are right and you are gone. One year has passed and I literally forgot about you... and me. I took you in as trash, as junk. Fueling my own sense of self-righteousness I raised you, took care of you and even took you to stay with me in the hostel. You grew up big and I was so proud of you. I am proud of you. You are right about how I couldnt provide everything for you and how you weren't afraid to show that you werent meant to confined to the four glass walls. You took your own life proving that you are right. I love you and but I falter and I am ashamed of it.

You are right. We are too young to get attached. Actually, you are completely right. We are naive and foolish. You are right, but you are wrong too. You are paranoid and zoned out living is your false world of security. You treat a gesture of friendship as courtship. You treat "hellos" as " OMFG!!! LeT MuA bE yUr Bfz.. CoS eUu aReZ So HoTZ!!!!!!111oneoneone!!!".You treat business ettitquetes as desperate dates. You treat sunflowers as roses.

But among all this. You are right. You came and you died on this dirt pile. You gave up the dignity perfection deserves to give flaws hope. You are right but what would you do in my place. You are right but I am not. I tell people to learn from you when I, myself live like the devil in my ears. You are right Lord, but I am wrong.


Shallow Highlights

Hi Hiz! today was a really fun day! I like went christmas shopping the whole morning. I went to a christmas bazaar at NTUC income (which had so little things) and bought nothing! I then went to Sheng Siong to help my sister buy stuff for her christmas party. So exciting right? Yes, I know how superficial today's entry is.
After That, I still went to NTUC Fair Price and TRIED to get some grocery shopping done but I ended up straying around buying useless stuff. Did anyone of you actually tried eating baby food? Its quite delicious you know. I'm keeping it so shallow because, I feel like I am. You're making me feel this way.
After that, I had to like rush home and sleep before going out again to meet my dearest 2AA2 for our class dinner. Hmmm... we went to this hawker place at Marina bay which was like cheap seoul garden. For $12, we could have all the meat we want with limited live seafood. I ate so much liver that I am happy. But the seafood was bad. Seeing the man pick out a crab and chopping it in front of me simply repulses me. i am actually fine with killing animals for consumption but I just dont like seeing the process. It makes me tingly. This is it I guess. I know that you are perplexed, tired, exhuasted, but I dare not come close to say anything.
Of course, seeing the other tables' drunken prawns was just disgusting. I can't stand how you can just see live prawns boiled to death before my eyes isnt what I consider... nice. Eugene have triumphantly cracked his first egg in his whole life. We congragulate you. For some weird reason, I am worried what You might think of me. I'm worried that you may think I'm another scum chasing skirts.
We then went to play arcade while some of the girls went MOS. time Crises 3. I suck la. Not sure whether it was the gun or just me. Kim, Maria, Clement and I then went to marina square to chill until our last bus before going our separate ways.
As usual, I got lost between my suntec bus stop and marina square. I walked around blindly for 20 minutes before just going mad and walking on the side of the road. I tell you, the guy who designed the interlinking buildings in the marina area is an idiot.
feel so superficial, about myself now. I'm slipping into my moods again and I simply cannot help it. No, this not me. I cannot summarise everything simply because I can't. Honestly, I really want to be friends. Nothing less and nothing more.
Yawn... now I'm just spending everyday playing the orginal Black & White. Yeah! I like my tiger. Trained him to be angelic and to be vegetarain. He's playing with baby children now but I still make him carry so much rocks he still kicks good butt. I
am so distressed by our conversation, never thought of things that way. I just feel confused now and disorientated. I don't want to ruin my christmas again due to this misunderstanding. I hope you have a pleasant time but we need to talk soon.


I am going to regret this

I,________, proudly Proclaim,

That I will NOT get attached or attempt to until I am finished with my NS.

See how easily is it for one to commit without knowing the full consequences
of his/her actions? I thus prove my point.

I have been review-surfing like a mad Australian for the past few days. Below
are the upcoming movies worth watching

King Kong
Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
V for Vendetta
The Pink Panther
Underworld: Evolution
Superman Returns ( still under careful consideration)
X3 (no doubt)
Trust me, when I spot movies via trailers. I am usually 80% accurate. So kids, mark out your 2005/06 calenders mwuahahaha.

I went to see drama today. I was touched by Tim's performance. Tim, you got your
glory in that one song. You made me, an ass, onion-eyed. You were splendid and I
am so proud of you. :-)
Audrey and Wecak were splendid too, but I felt tonight was really Tim's.

For the second time in a week, Singapore's public transport system failed me when the whole MRT line stalled inconsistently at 5 minute intervals. I tell, you, God is mocking my reluctance to learn driving. Blimey


Point of No Return

I almost went past the point of no return on monday. I almost bought the above CD. Thank God Shirah was there to prevent me from falling to the dark side (hurhurhur). Oh no... I'm getting influenced by my sister into liking trashy-techno-music.
" If twits had any redeeming features, Crazy Frog would be one of them. Then again... no."



Isolation has made me extremely crude and rude. Ironically, I am also more aware of rude people lately.
Normally, I am highly tolerant of annoying and rude people. But I decided to screw my karma today.

On my way down to Taka, this young man and I were stopped by certain teenagers. They were apparently doing a survey for MAS or something as their uniforms suggested. The man I was with looked fairly decent. He had a neatly styled hair, trimly shaved face and donned a nice green striped shirt.
"excuse me sir, are you a singaporean? I am doing a shopping surve--"
(alright, I agree, that wasn't the best introduction line. But the man's come back was fantastic)
"NO! GET AWAY!! I don't believe you guys. The Last time I did this, I lost 17k"

Let's take a moment to appreciate his statement. Firstly, they are doing a survey, not a damn lucky draw, not even a charity. I do not see any way in which a survey could cheat you anything more than your time. Secondly, 17K? Are you trying to imply that you are loaded? that you just happen to be rich enough to give 17K around to streetside charities (or tipping survey boys, GST inclusive) just like that? Even if you are truly that rich, you must one hell of a dumb nut to loose 17K on a street-side. Stupid Facade-hiding hypocrite.

Like I said before, I am usually tolerant of rude people. But I am highly highly intolerant of incompetent service. Let's take exhibit A, Driver X, for example.

Today, Bus Driver X of bus 'SBS585E' (not the real plate number) of 16 (not the real number either) arrived a mere 30 minutes late. This is considering very kindly the fact that the bus arrival interval time should be an average of 8 minutes.
After boarding the bus and riding a few stops, a rather lost tourist stumbled to the driver and asked where is Suntec City. (which was where the bus was) Meanwhile, a young lady spots the bus in a building slightly away and dashes towards the bus.

"excuse me sir, is this Sun-Tec City? I was wondering where is the stop for the opposite direction-"
>> irritated, I budged in and gave the man the proper answer to his question and pointed where the bus stop was. The driver looks at me in a pissed-off face.<<
As the tourist gets off the bus, the lady arrives at the front door. However, he closes the door upon her. She desperately knocks hardly about 3 times. He instinctively looks at her before turning his head the other direction ignorantly and attempts to drive off.
>> even more annoyed. I slammed my hand against the ticket dispenser and pointed to the lady in distress. <<
He stopped and gave me an even more pissed-off expression.
In a feat of masculine display of prowness, he starts driving in sudden accelerating spurts, scaring the heck out of the passengers. In a another feat of annoyance, he starts horning excessively. A car is in front of the bus. HONK. The car stops for a yellow light instead of dashing across it. HONK. Another bus overtakes you. HONK HONK HONK.

I was lingering on the decision on whether to depend on public transport when I grow up or drive my own car today. This just made up my mind. I will learn how to drive and drive Jude around :)

btw. I know my dad probably reads this blog. idiot hacker.

Did you just do??

" HA HA, too bad you can't take me"
- Last great words of Sue-the-minah

all because the add-on flash isn't working, that doesnt mean that the camera cannot take photos. stupid minah! Posted by Picasa


Aslan is on the move

"There is no mistake,
Aslan in on the move"
-Mr. Beaver

Click Here

The Official Chronicles of Narnia Trailer (not teaser) finally came out. It deserves nothing less than a 'large' screen. CG are not as good as I hoped but it will more than do.
Notice the trailer track 'Here comes the King" by X-ray Dog. Oh How I love them damn damn damn much!!!

I have also posted up some of the long-awaited photos from my assignment on 'Joie De Vivre' and other photos from Senior's night. There's also some extra photos from yesterday.
Yeps, played tennis with Jude, Grace and VJ. Tennis is fun.
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Jack shirah

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Jack shirah (some more)

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