(The morning Sentosa Sky @ Seniors' Camp as the seniors were preparing to try out the beach games)
It is over.
I struggled to find the words to describe the emotions that is overwhelming us right now.
I guess the standard blog post would be one which states how much I Love my OG Bocelli and how they rocked everyone's socks.... This would be a safe bet.
Bocelli. You guys are beyond words. Bocelli Awesome! In my many years of holding school/ army/ zoo camps. I have never met a batch so amazing that I am so dumbfounded. Just to let you know, most of the OGLs have actually approached me to tell me how much they respect you guys.
Bocelli= awesome.
But now, I am writing to all freshies. Not just my beloved Bocelli;
Freshies, you have done something that has never been achieved in our school history. You have played 5 full days of FOC in the name of frienship, sportmanship and fun. In previous batches, there were so much rivalry and competition between various OGs.
When the top OG scored, there would be jeers. Rough and foul play would not be unusual. But Freshies, you have proved history wrong. Never in my life have your seniors seen such FANTASTIC sportmanship between OGs. When one rival OG member fell over, the other OG would pick them up. When one OG won, the other would cheer along.
Do you guys have any idea how hard was it NOT to smile and keep up my frown when I saw how awesome everyone was??! Something is stirring. Something big is coming up in Wee Kim Wee.
To Freni: The lifeblood of the most powerful OG continues through your veins. Preserve it well younglings for the real challenge of school life will test your bonds for friendship. Although you were the killer OG in our batch, you did the pwning with so much grace and respect.
To Scotto: You were indeed the Darkhorse of this FOC. Silently watching at first but growing steadily in power and friendship. It was fun 'messing' with your OG but at the end of the day, i like your retardedness as much as I like your dearest Caleb's laughing disorder (which is alot).
To Pavar: Oh, the 'brother' OG of Celli. I must admit that when we first began, I felt extremely irritated by you. Especially by Osman and Ahmad. But very soon, your warmth and kokness got thru to me. Our celli-pavar talk kok sessions has been most enjoyable :):)
To Fellow OGLs: We did it. We achieved what we aimed to do. Lide, Tze, Caleb, Xinyi,
Faggy Zhiyuan, Aini... and KAI. I am so proud to have comrades like you.
To Celli AGLS/ Seniors:To Sufi: You rock. To my Linguine and CI bro, I owe you another one. Without you, Bocelli would be super uptight and nervous. I am glad that you have passed on the art of chillax and score to the new generation. May they use it well in their studies. but bro, I love you man.
To Grace: Miso Pretty of Bocelli. Thanks for picking up so many loose ends when Kai and I were too busy. I really don't know how to thank you. Maybe I'll buy more redbull when exam comes again?
To Chark-lene, the love of my life... You are so cool. Thanks for taking charge and helping Kai bond our OG together. I owe you so much. If you need help in 206, just call my name, I'll be there.
To TTP... to all the times you told me tt I am not high enough. Thanks Boss. I hate PDA but you are really an amazing boss to me and to whole of CS. I really hope your successor can fill up the big shoes you are leaving behind.
To Marcus: You are 1337 super senior. FOC wouldnt be foc without you. Behind your cute bubbly face, you have endless years of wisdom to bestow upon us. It is an honour to have you in my OG for 2 years in a row.
To Xiong Ge: Xiong Ge. You have no idea how inspiring you are. Many of the EBM-ers in our batch are awed by your spirit. Your guidance over ASFV and FOC is really moving and we really hope to grow up into a senior like you.
To Zak: =D Shi-Xiong's 'other half'. Your camera, smile and jokes really added a new dimension to Bocelli. I was really impressed by your touch rugby coaching and I am still being impressed by the way you live. Both SX and you will forever be remembered as the coolest seniors in WKW.
To Eunice: Thanks for lugging that heavy natgeog camera bag around 24/7 and capturing all our most treasured moments. :) You really are part of Bocelli too!
To Audrey: You nuah shit! hahahah Thanks so much for going past your nuabarrier to help out in everything!! I guess I'll disturb you as neighbour for another year, so theres no need to thank you here
To ASFV production team: Wei Liang, Lide, Lizzy, through working with you, my faith in the Lord has grown so much stronger. I learnt what it means to survive on faith and friendship. All 3 of you have really earned my utmost respect. I am eternally grateful to the Lord that he has given me brothers and sisters like you. It is such a pity that it took me almost a year to cherish you.
To the rest of the cast and crew; Evadne, Jeslynn, Hendric, Ash, Jeremy, Kaijie, Junqi, anyone else. thank you so much. I've really gotten to know everyone so much better over this period of time.
To Hungry Cat Rescue Team: wow. we did it. Everyone ... you were awesome.
To Capybara: I highly doubt you are reading this. But if you are... its been almost a year now since we parted ways. but thank you for you support nonetheless. :)
To Lizzy: *sniff sniff* Its been a wonderful 3 weeks... but I guess we just weren't meant to be =D JASON!! if you are reading this... you are an extremely lucky guy!! Hold on to Lizzy and never let go. Not all of us can be lucky twice.
To Kai: Kai... I don't know where to begin. Thanks for being there in my troubled times, thanks for being there when I couldn't be there. Thanks for being the most caring, dedicated and beautiful OGL partner anyone could ask for. Thank you Kai for everything!!! Bocelli wouldnt have been possible without you and I will be forever thankful that I worked with someone like you.
FOC is over and I already miss you. Pls come back soon from China. *hugs*
To all Freshies:The torch has been passed. Your seniors are done with FOC and now it is up to YOU to make an FOC more mindblowing than the one you had.
Something is different about you guys. In you, we see
hope in our school.
Hope that WKWSCI can reach new heights. Hope that WKWSCI will resound within Singapore as the most united and awe-inspiring faculty. Hope that you will love one another and bring about the full potential of CS.
Very soon, the academic year will be starting. Your ogls/agls/sa/programmers/ will be taking a step back and clearing the leadership positions. This empty seat is meant for YOU. Your turn to lead the school is coming very soon. Change is coming to our school. HOPE is coming.
Freshies. In Trust we Hope.
In You we Trust.
Who are Who are Who are We?
We are, We are Wee Kim Wee.