

Blog entry 1155:
Fish tanks.

A relatively unknown random fact about Pedro (to my university/hall friends):
He is a tropical fish enthusiast.

That's right. I have been keeping my own fish tanks since the tender age of 14 in Secondary 2.
His first tank was an impromptu fish tank set up after he won some fishes in a carnival from Monkshill Secondary.

As his father was a goldfish enthusiast in the past, there was an old tank available. All but 1 (an orange molly) of his fish in that plastic bag died, the survivor lasted for almost 9 months before eventually dying too.

In his span of 8 years, I have experimented with a wide range of fish, which includes, goldfish, guppies, tetras, sucker fish(plecos), archerfish, arowana, ropefish, senegal birchirs, walking catfish, sturgeons, pacus, the list goes on...

I've noticed that in many ways, you can tell what kind of person an aquarist is by observing his aquarium. A fish tank is the window to the aquarist's soul.

Some aquarium are very grand. Lush vegetation, brilliant lighting, high grade planter soil with fertilisers and carbon dioxide dissipater (for photosynthesis). Hiding within the overwhelming and imposing amounts of vegetations, a small number of fish happily rest in their abundant shelters.

Other aquariums are suprisingly bare. One luohan ,an air pump. That's it. Water change shall be done manually. Plain and simple.

Certain aquariums are aesethically pleasing. Colourful shoals of guppies flutter about, making way for the giant dragonfish that slowly glides throught the water. It contrasting size in fish may be interesting but it hides the fatal undercurrents. Every night... more guppies disappear into the giant's belly. A tank that has planned to fail.

Aquariums may also have a natural layout. The rocky lakes of Congo. The colourful cichlids hide in their caves all day. While these fish would require some effort to spot... they spot the most splendid hue due to their high level of comfort.

Some tanks are just in a mess. contrasting fish species; predatory, territorials fighters, aggressive bullies. Wrong plant species. Algae boom. Unchanged water and decaying filter. No excuses, you are just messed up.

so which aquarium do I belong to?