
Hello 2009

After reading YongXi's review of his previous blog entries for 2008, I decided to do the same.
Being a slightly more photo-based journal than his, I took a much shorter time to recap the entire year.
Every blog entry works in the same way as a photo. Sometimes, when we see something amazing, the sense of amazement and awe tend to override our logical observations. In our biological memory, the emotional tag tends to be more prominent than the actual details recorded. Thus distortion occurs.
A blog entry allows a proper capture of our thoughts and emotions at that particular frame of time. without being distorted by the happenings after the event.

I have no inspiration to write any inspiring entry or revelation today. The previous night's worth of emoing is more than a recommended dosage of self-imposed misery for this month.
Every time I come back to HK, my emotions are on the extreme. Extreme nostalgia. Extreme comfort. Extreme shock and happiness. Extreme distraught. Extreme melancholy. Well, whatever the emotions I feel now, I should not let them get the way between my tastebuds and the food, or my ears and the augasmic music selection.

cheers everyone. The worst kind of misery is the one that is self-imposed.
The race will begin again in 2 days, its time to pick ourselves up and keep our eyes on the road.