Green doesn't mean Yes.
"Get lost, he's with me now!"
"Calm down ladies, can't we all get along?"
A colleague of mine joked about my sexuality the other day, hinting of my possible assexuality. We also joked about how men never know what they want. Rest assured, I am pretty much straight. And since I am so damn bored from *trying to do* COM206, I think I'll just say some stuff,
I ain't homophobic, not one slight bit. My faith and moralistic standings are at contradictions to their lifestyles, but what others do with their lives are their matters, not mine.
However, I do get very pissed when advances are made towards me besides my clear 'No' signals. This is nothing to do with homosexuality, I react pretty much the same ways to girls too. No to me, just means No. I don't believe that persistence pays off. You shouldn't too.
With that being said, am I assexual? certainly not. Am I looking for anyone? No, the feel of monetary and social freedom is quite a bit to give up. However, that doesnt mean that I am closing the door.
and with 20 more minutes to dinner, I think I'll list out 5 intersting things I am looking out for in a girl, (no, she doesnt actually NEED to know how to drive but bonus star sticker if she does)
Attraction - goes without saying, if I don't feel attracted to a girl, I won't even bother to make a advance. I don't believe in playing/ juggling either. Without this first prerequisite, a girl stays on the 'friends' ladder'. lol.
Values- Something that my parents taught me to look out for. Strong moral fibre, the guts to tell me off if I do something wrong and spineless. The courage to do the right thing. The various prioritising of other values in life. Without similar allignment of values (especially moral) and dreams, a relationship would be fruitless in the long term. This is the most important aspect for me.
Fear- She has to be God-fearing. I've learnt through hard-knocks that without God in the relationship, it will self-destruct sooner or later. Many a times, I am a horrible Christian, She should at least be more grounded than me.
Respect- She has to have self-respect. I cannot stand clingy girls and if she is actually more clingy than me, then no go. She must be strongly autonomous, if anything happens to our relationship (or me), she should be able to carry on with life. I want someone I can respect, someone I see as an equal, eye-to-eye. The only person who deserved to be worshipped is God, I am not God.
Family- At any one time, I only allow two women in my life. My mom is the first and always will be. If she can't accept my family as how I am willing to accept hers, then we won't work out eventually. Break-away families are for movies and drama serials but not for me. My family is already pretty small, and my family will always come first, if you want to be part of the family, it's a mutual thing.
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