I Believe(d) in Harvey Dent

I saw someone pasting this small sticker upon a poster in a MTR station in HK, took this photo and it just got me thinking. While everyone is blogging about the Joker, let us look at the lesser 'Villain'. Harvey Dent.
Harvey Dent. The White Knight of Gotham. In the Dark Knight, Chris Nolan purposely placed him opposite Bruce Wayne as a juxtaposition to the Batman.
A simple Refresher. Harvey Dent is the famous district attorney in Gotham City who decides to rise up and fights against the corrupt and the Mob of Gotham. Idealistic and courageous he is what Gotham city deserves. Their White knight in their darkest hour. Charming, determined and most importantly, charismatic. He does something Batman cannot do, take on the mob in the broad daylight. He is the hero with a face, allusions of the white knight of pure shining virtue. He uses the law to challenge the mob. Alluding the classical concept of fighting evil with good. In contrast, he pinpoints to how Batman, a vigilante is one who fights evil with evil. In all respects, Batman is a criminal, who passes his own judgement and punishment by breaking the law.
Of course, ceteris paribus, a white knight is far desirable as he is a symbol of Hope to Gotham. Whereas Batman is symbol that law and order will return, Harvey Dent is a sign that law and order is returning. In other words, Batman's existence is an indirect sign that anarchy is present while Dent heralds the end of anarchy and the beginning of peace and order. He is pure.
The problem, however, with something pure, is that it can be stained easilly. This is not something metaphorical but its something in a practical sense. Dent, in all of his abstract ideologies attracts and draws in his direct opposite. The joker.
Although many may term the joker a beautiful lunatic, I prefer to see him as a Hero for anarchy. In the same way how Dent believes in order, the Joker believes in chaos. What happen when you mix chaos with order? The pure essence of order gets disrupted. Which is exactly what happened the Harvey... His purity gets stained by the Joker.
Why does Batman prevail? It is because he is on the common ground between both sides.
btw, just a little easter egg that I Am sure everyone should be aware of. The name joker stems from the playing card, the Joker. Although it has no actual function to say, its presence is an anomally, thus, creates... chaos.
So... the next Batman question; which Joker is Better? Tim Burton's Jack or Chris Nolan's Heath ? Let me do some research before I blog again.
Harvey Dent. The White Knight of Gotham. In the Dark Knight, Chris Nolan purposely placed him opposite Bruce Wayne as a juxtaposition to the Batman.
A simple Refresher. Harvey Dent is the famous district attorney in Gotham City who decides to rise up and fights against the corrupt and the Mob of Gotham. Idealistic and courageous he is what Gotham city deserves. Their White knight in their darkest hour. Charming, determined and most importantly, charismatic. He does something Batman cannot do, take on the mob in the broad daylight. He is the hero with a face, allusions of the white knight of pure shining virtue. He uses the law to challenge the mob. Alluding the classical concept of fighting evil with good. In contrast, he pinpoints to how Batman, a vigilante is one who fights evil with evil. In all respects, Batman is a criminal, who passes his own judgement and punishment by breaking the law.
Of course, ceteris paribus, a white knight is far desirable as he is a symbol of Hope to Gotham. Whereas Batman is symbol that law and order will return, Harvey Dent is a sign that law and order is returning. In other words, Batman's existence is an indirect sign that anarchy is present while Dent heralds the end of anarchy and the beginning of peace and order. He is pure.
The problem, however, with something pure, is that it can be stained easilly. This is not something metaphorical but its something in a practical sense. Dent, in all of his abstract ideologies attracts and draws in his direct opposite. The joker.
Although many may term the joker a beautiful lunatic, I prefer to see him as a Hero for anarchy. In the same way how Dent believes in order, the Joker believes in chaos. What happen when you mix chaos with order? The pure essence of order gets disrupted. Which is exactly what happened the Harvey... His purity gets stained by the Joker.
Why does Batman prevail? It is because he is on the common ground between both sides.
btw, just a little easter egg that I Am sure everyone should be aware of. The name joker stems from the playing card, the Joker. Although it has no actual function to say, its presence is an anomally, thus, creates... chaos.
So... the next Batman question; which Joker is Better? Tim Burton's Jack or Chris Nolan's Heath ? Let me do some research before I blog again.
Afterthought.... Purity is vulnerable. Ideals are weak if left to stood on their own... Have I been to idealistic from the start?
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