Two Goodies on one day!

Taken originally from The Straits Times
Home Forum on the 13th February 2008.
I normally do not partake in flaming, but that day was too good to be left unravelled. People should seriously take some time to actually think about what they putting into the forums.
First up on the left. There is a recent craze in Singapore for selling manually tatooed mollies (chubbier cousins of the guppies) to obtain 4D numbers. I violently object to this, but thats another story. So Retnam here wonders if we could breed these fishes to be placed into stagnant water to consume mosquito larvaes.-
You place fishes into stagnant pools of water instead of just pouring the water out? In an urban environment.... this is not feasible as its a plain waste of money. Furthermore... can you imagine if there were no more larvaes in the roof drains? I dont think our lovely heartlanders will be feeding these government sponsored fishes in hard to reach places. So... imagine schools of starved, decomposing dead fishes.... not very nice. It is still slightly plausible in our reserve areas... but we would be upsetting the ecosystem for no reason... since noone lives in these areas. Basically... Retnam.... its a good idea that rolls off the tongue... but its simply not logical.
As for the comment on the Right.
WONG FOOK SENG: Get your basic facts right before writing in.
1. Our reservoir is a holding area for raw untreated water.
2.Our reservoir water is not potable as it is. it is treated BEFORE it goes to your tap.
3.Our reservoir is surrounded by nature reserve areas in Singapore.
4. MANY animals in the reserve urinate,defeacate,die, decompose in the reservoir on the daily basis.
I didnt know AhMeng personally, nor do I claim to.Thus, I am in no position to tell you to give Ahmeng the respect she deserves. But, do try thinking more about the things you write down, because you are publicly broadcasting your level of intelligence.
>>This is a bit belated<<
R.I.P Ah Meng.
Not only a Greater Ape, but a Greater Singaporean. :)
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