The Last name and an empty cinema

Spent my off today from confinement to watch deathnote with debbeh! Its about damn time anyways I finally watched the movie.
Confusing, its definitely quite confusing for a movie. At least the producers did the right choice by splitting it up. It is certainly not as provocative as the manga or the the anime but its really not bad for a movie. It is nice~~
And it was nice catching up with debbie too. I'm very much glad that I still have at least some female friends that know how to have fun. heh heh. Nice time out sushi buddy! :)
Bumped into limmy too after she went to see some pacus in sentosa. Singlehood rocks Limmy, really it does girl (:
Now its back to camp, but before I go let me say:
Misa-misa certifies bimbos as hot.

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