What lies beneath

Can't you all feel it? I can. I feel every day, every hour, every minute and every second slowly grinding away. Prelims are coming and despite this ghastly fact, there is absolutely no momentum within me. Everyday, I continue to go to school as if nothing is wrong, feeling as if there is a boundless security I can rely on. however, What lies beneath my school uniform is a mounting pressure. I don't think it would crack me like pressure release, nor would it cause bubbles in me to cavitate. It won't do anything, and neither would I.
Paradoxes appear every moment I live now with everything contradicting the one thing I am supposed to be doing. Sure, sure, friends all tell me: forget about the prelims, go for A level -- or -- don't worry, the geography department likes us-- or-- relax, you can mug like SEN at home. Let me remind you one small thing:
It is the admin's job to screw us up and it is our's to deal with that.
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