AC Kermak

Camelot just ended last night. I watched the musical play twice, the second time while on council duty last night. In case, you're wondering what's the picture, its the final snap of the entire cast of Camelot before going their seperate ways. It is times like these, when I am proud not to be an Acsian, but simply a part of the legacy, part of the AC legacy.
As I cheered my little can of green tea with Judy and Grace (see previous entry), I hummed to myself a silent song of good bye. This is truly my last ushering duty as a councillor in my blazer. Soon, everything would fade and turn to silver glass. As the sweet fluid seeped through my lips, I remember my very first time doing ushering on Honour's night. The legacy--
I look upon the past few days. Odyssey of the Mind. This year, ACJC sent in her debut team (with my dearest friend-o-naked-mole-rat Jill), under a coaching of a first ever student coach, to clinch not only the national, but GLOBAL title. Jill!!! I know I have yet to have talked to you since your return, but I am SoooOOoooO proud of you! Really, wow.
Rugby: My day started out in the morning. 8am. It rained heavilly the night before, and the ground soaked of mud and moist. Yet, the council and the 30th elects were able to errect 3 huge banners including the public debut of 'More the Conquerors".
Unlike previous years, there were no spectator stands for us to construct our banners upon. Yet, we had no need to. By God's grace, we brought extra spars, in which we used to errect all 3 banners independently. I see our banners, I see the soft grey sky, I see the mud puddles around my feets, I see the potential of the elects. I see God.
Camelot: Like I was saying, I watched it a second time. Though most lines, remained the same, a stronger sense of atmosphere could be felt. The transistions, the flow, the movement, the power have all been heightened in its final display. Tim, Daph, Dree, Jon, Sab, Steph and everyone on and behind the stage of Camelot --> you have done AC proud.
Slowly, I savoured the fading taste of jasmine upon my tongue. I smiled at Judy and Grace. " It has been a good year. It has been a good life in AC"
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