

OH I feel Sooo BAd. Seriously baad.
Ok here goes: This morning I was shopping in a fish store for fishfood. Same-o Same-o, usual stuff. Suddenly this little boy came up to me and starting asking me about the prices of the turtles and fishes. He thought I was the owner.
I mean I don't find being mistaken as a dreggy fish-store owner as a bad thing... but ... but.... he called me 'Uncle'.
I mean, 'ge-ge' would be very fine, but ' Uncle' ? Oh no... I'm ageing so badly. Oh wait... maybe its my dress code. yeah. But I am sure by simply wearing slippers, I won't really look like an uncle right? Oh, my sister was right all along, I really really do need a complete makeover. and new sneakers.

Other than being an 'uncle', today was really quite a happy day. With all those exams out of the way, I finally had the free time to tend to my fishes after almost 3 months of neglect. I scrubbed out all the algae, emptied the quarantined fishes back into the community tank and (once again) made my special 'pedro-fish-blend' food. A carefully cut-up and grounded mix of flakes, tubliflex worms and shrimpls. Ohh I feel so domestic just grounding these things up . :) :) :)

Another thing I kind of achieved was basically what my aspirations should be. I mean I have always been living a kind of 'drifter-like' life, going to school and taking subjects without any goals in mind. Yup, after my visit to the musuem on Friday (See earlier ) I finally know something I might enjoy doing for a living.
Catching and naming animals. I don't know. I have never been a sucker for money and I don't want my life to be confined within a cubicle, so I suppose going out the jungles and trying to find new species wouldnt be that bad. Besides, it can go hand in hand with my old dream of being a cryptozoologist (those funny people that go out looking for bigfoot and such). I'll probably die single though. haha. oh well, at least I have plenty more private space to ground and mash more fish food. :):):)

must be the post-exams high.